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Prevent Water Damage Before It Happens

Imagine that you leave your beautiful home on vacation to somewhere sunny and warm. Searching for sandy beaches and blue water, or maybe you even pack your golf clubs for 18 holes on that course you always wanted to play. You enjoy 7 days and 6 nights of pure relaxation and joy.

The trip home is smooth and you make great time. You walk back into your beautiful home expecting to find everything as you left it, only to find that that is just not the case. Burglary? Nope, you have a security alarm. Fire? Nope, that security system also ties in with your fire alarms.

What you find is that some time during your vacation a water line broke in your basement spilling more gallons of water than you would care to measure into your nice finished basement. It’s just about knee high and has ruined sheetrock, baseboard trim, door moldings, furniture, and god knows what type of mold situation this could create. Sure you have insurance, but that does not mean you do not have a serious situation to deal with that has no immediate fix.

That vacation zen is wearing off quickly. 

We have an answer. We have a preventative solution to give you more piece of mind and the ability to hold onto that vacation zen a while longer. 

We are excited about offering Protect by LeakSmart® to all of our customers.

What It Does

Paired with sensors, Protect by Leaksmart, protects your entire home from unwanted leaks and water damage. This protection gives you the piece of mind you deserve. This piece of mind even extends beyond threat of power outages because it operates on smart home protocol with a battery backup. 

How It Works

We do not want to give away any state secrets but here is a simple explanation of how Protect from LeakSmart works. Within seconds of a leak the Leaksmart system sounds an alarm, sends an alert, and shuts off the water main to your home. Within seconds! No sheetrock ruined, no molding to be replaced, no musty furniture, or mold issues. Just piece of mind knowing that you have done everything you can to protect your home. 

An added bonus is that you can also use the LeakSmart system with Google Nest. 

Want to learn more? We are happy to chat with you and answer any questions you may have. No pressure or sales tactics. Just good old-fashioned, helpful conversation.

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