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How to Help Improve Indoor Air Quality During the Winter Months

As the days get colder, air quality in the home tends to decrease. Cold and dry air traps additional pollution, which can negatively impact air quality and cause irritation, allergies, or other difficulties.

To help offset the impact of winter air, here are some things that can be done at home to increase air quality during the colder months:

Changing Air Filters

Most air filters are recommended to be changed roughly every 90 days, but this can vary due to a variety of factors. Households with pets should change their air filters roughly every 60 days, and possibly sooner if someone living in the households has allergies or any respiratory conditions.

Air filters remove impurities from the air, and also help protect an HVAC system from potential damage. Make sure to check your air filter regularly to inspect it for particle buildup. An air filter that appears to have an excess amount of dust or debris should be changed.

Air Duct Cleaning

The Environmental Protection Agency recommends that air ducts should be cleaned as needed. Air ducts should be cleaned if there is visible mold growing on the ducts or heating equipment, if they are infested with mice or other animals, and if dust buildup is released from the ducts.

Cleaning cooling coils, fans, and heat exchanges may also help improve the efficiency of the system. 

Home Deep Clean

A deep cleaning of the home can help eliminate dust and other particles that may impact the air quality in the home. Remove clutter to clear space in order to make the cleaning process easier. Wipe down hard surfaces to remove dust, ensuring to get all fans and vents in the home. Sweep, mop, or vacuum floors to eliminate particles built up in corners and baseboards.


Fans can help improve ventilation in the home. This includes exhaust fans, such as ones above a stove or in a bathroom. Even if windows are not open and the exhaust fans do not vent outdoors, fans can still help to improve air flow. 

A high-efficiency particulate air cleaner can also help improve ventilation. When purchasing a HEPA cleaner, ensure its Clean Air Delivery Rate meets the square footage of the room you intend to utilize it in.

Air Purifiers

Air purifiers can improve air quality by filtering pollutants and allergens. They can help eliminate harmful chemicals, reduce the spread of airborne diseases, and prevent unpleasant smells.

Air purifiers can kill airborne microbes, remove chemicals from the air, and eliminate dust, smoke, and mold. An air purifier should be placed away from the corner of a room, and away from furniture, so the air can be evenly circulated. Ensure the air purifier’s size is appropriate for the room it is intended to be used in.

More questions? Give us a call. The team at Cerrone Plumbing & HVAC is happy to help! (518) 798-6560.

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