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What's the Right Level of Humidity for Your Home's Comfort and Health?

Humidity is an important factor for your home's comfort and health. Too much or too little humidity can cause health and comfort issues, so it's important to keep your home's humidity level balanced. Humidifiers are used to raise the humidity in the home, but it's important to know the right level of humidity that should be present in your home. In this blog post, we will discuss the right level of humidity for your home's comfort and health, and why people use humidifiers in their home, as well as the benefits to having the right level of humidity inside of your house.

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Why You Should Schedule an Air Conditioning Tune-Up Before the Summer Heat Arrives

As the summer months approach, it's important to make sure that your air conditioning system is functioning properly. The best way to ensure that your AC is in top shape is by scheduling an air conditioning tune-up before the hot weather hits. In this blog post, we'll explore why an air conditioning tune-up is important and how it can benefit you.

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How to Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring!

As the weather warms up and flowers begin to bloom, many people start to experience the unpleasant symptoms of seasonal allergies. Allergies can make it difficult to enjoy the turn of spring, but there are steps you can take to allergy-proof your home and create a more comfortable living space. In this blog post, we'll share some tips for allergy-proofing your home for spring. 

Read more …How to Allergy-Proof Your Home This Spring!

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In New York, The Future Of Heating and Cooling is Electric

On January 10, 2023, in her State of the State speech, Governor Kathy Hochul called for the nations’ most aggressive ban on fossil fuels yet in new buildings. During her speech, Hochul urged the State Legislature to phase out the sale of fossil fuel heating equipment in existing residential buildings beginning in 2030, and for commercial buildings, 2035.  The Governor also proposed that new residential buildings be all electric by 2025, and commercial buildings be all electric by 2030.

Read more …In New York, The Future Of Heating and Cooling is Electric

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